SEMA Seen: A trio of classic Chevys

A trio of black classic Chevys on the transporter | Larry Edsall photos
A trio of black classic Chevys on the transporter | Larry Edsall photos

There’s a parking lot across Paradise Road from the Las Vegas Convention Center where several highly polished semi tractors are parked during the SEMA Show. Among them is a rig from Rollin’ R Enterprises, a transport company based in Oxnard, California.

The big orange Freightliner rig is impressive enough, what with its cab redesigned and customized by Manny Aguilera of nearby Ventura, California.

1959, '58 and '62 Chevys
1959, '58 and '62 Chevys

But what earns the rig SEMA Seen recognition is the “cargo” carried on the truck’s trailer: A trio of black, customized Chevy classics. A 1962 coupe, and 1958 and 1959 convertibles.

Each would be a SEMA Showstopper parked across the street at the show, but staged together on the bilevel flatbed trailer — wow!






Chevy trio is an impressive site at SEMA
Chevy trio is an impressive site at SEMA
source : | by Larry Edsall
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